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Du kan ocksa klicka Anpassa installningar for att manuellt avgora vilka cookies du vill acceptera, få stora muskler. Testosterone enanthate is used only to provide a base level of testosterone and 100mg is sufficient for this purpose. As we can see in the above example cycles, Tren Hex stacks very well with multiple other steroids and more often than not is stacked with at least one other compound. The best stacking strategy is to select steroids that have similar half life or release rates as Parabolan, which means the slower release esters. This allows the steroids to have better compatibility and also for convenience of administration where you can maintain an injection schedule of just twice weekly across all the compounds in the stack. I don t claim to be a medical professional here to give you advice, but I must still strongly recommend that you avoid using Parabolan unless you already have a lot of experience with steroids, .
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